


Today was a strange day.

I don't know how many of y'all live in New England; but it snowed all day. It only amounted to like 3 inches, but on the highways it immediately fused into the most slippery ice ever. there were accidents all over. People everywhere - every road, highway, etc - were driving at about 4 miles an hour... LITERALLY. As a result, I spent about 3 hours in my car this morning trying to get to work. It was surreal seeing everyone just sitting there, too scared to move. Any time anybody started getting cocky there was another smashed up car in the ditch to scare us into going slowly again.

Not expecting a long drive, I only brought one cd, so I ended up listening to kid606's "Down With The Scene" like, four and a half times straight through. I was surprised to find that I never got bored with it. I DEFINITELY can't say that about any album I've ever made, so huge props to kid606. Everyone go out and buy that album and leave it in your car stereo for a few weeks. It's amazing and will keep you smiling through any amount of traffic problems.

On a different note:

Any of y'all who are signed up as an mp3.com artist are probably getting emails about these, but for those of you who aren't: There are a whole lot of new websites popping up, trying to fill in the void left by the (completely obnoxious and stupid) buying out and subsequent destruction of mp3.com. I for one loved mp3.com dearly, and have found any number of great musicians (and some friends!) through it, so I'm anxious to check out the new sites and post some adslip songs. In the hopes that you'll be excited about these too, here's a list of the sites I've found out about so far:

This is the only one I'm signed up to as of yet; go to soundclick.com/adhesiveslipper to see a picture of me from highschool and hear a wicked old song.

This one looks to be emulating mp3.com pretty closely. I haven't signed up yet but probably will soon.

At this site, on top of hosting your mp3s you can supposedly turn your songs into cellphone ringtones as well. If it's true it might be interesting, though I don't have a cellphone and generally abhor them.

I guess this one isn't finished yet, but they look to be another mp3.com clone (which isn't necessarily a bad thing).

Lastly, CNET is making http://music.download.com as the "official" replacement site. It will apparently be functional in 2004, I don't know what it'll be like but it just might be the biggest one.

That's all I know of for right now... if you know of any that I don't, email me at adhesiveslipper@headhat.net so I can check them out and maybe post some stuff.

Okay, that's all I've got. Hopefully some more chunks of the sites will be working soon, I'm still working on the changeover. Soon headhat.net and adhesiveslipper.tk will return to their full glory. I promise.