


Okay, so I'm almost finished transferring this site to it's new home at Dreamhost and it's been going pretty well. I have a fuckload of space for mp3s and the like, which is really good in light of the current situations. I've resolved to try and update this site more than I have been, because it seems people have actually been looking at it. What this means is that I may be straying dangerously close to LiveJournal territory, but rest assured, you won't be hearing about all of my horribly depressing life crises or my many wild sexual flings. Also, I'll try to keep it less hostile towards the reader than it has been, so you'll actually want to read it. I figure it serves a few purposes: one is that if I update regularly, y'all will come back to see what I've written and maybe see that I have a new disc out that y'all should buy, and two is that if I babble enough, the search engines will find way more words to link to me with. So here we go; this is me trying to act responsibly. Let's see how long it lasts before I give up on it all and slip into a morbid depression for six months. I give it a week. Oh, and happy Black Friday.